Awards and distinctions:
July 2022. Irena Dawid-Olczyk is the winner of the TIP Hero award. The award was given for: „extraordinary leadership and direct assistance to victims of human trafficking.” The award was presented by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
May 2020. Irena Dawid-Olczyk is the winner of the Polish Business Roundtable Award in the „Social Activity” category.
October 2018. The „Architect of Development” award granted by the Global Compact. The award was given for the fact that: „For over 20 years, the Foundation has been combating and preventing trafficking in human beings and providing direct and practical assistance to the victims of these crimes.”
February 2016. Irena Dawid – Olczyk awarded the Medal of Merit for the Police
February 2016. Irena Dawid-Olczyk and Joanna Garnier awarded the Crosses of Merit (gold and silver) by the Minister of the Interior and Administration. The awards were given „for 20 years of continuous efforts to prevent trafficking in human beings.”
October 2015. The Sergio Vieira de Mello Prize is awarded to individuals and non-governmental organizations for their work for the peaceful coexistence and cooperation of societies, religions and cultures.
September 2014. Irena Dawid-Olczyk was awarded the medal „for Merits for the Border Guard”.
December 2011. The Paweł Włodkowic Award was presented to Irena Dawid-Olczyk. The prize is awarded by the Ombudsman for „standing up for fundamental values and truths, even against the opinion and views of the majority”.
December 2010. „Golden Phone”. a distinction awarded by the National Emergency Service for Victims of Domestic Violence „Blue Line” of the Institute of Health Psychology of the Polish Society of Mental Psychology to individuals and organizations of special merit in the field of counteracting domestic violence.
October 2009. Stana Buchowska receives the Jerzy Zimowski Award for „social, journalistic or research activity devoted to migration issues”.
November 2004. St. George’s Medal for Stan Buchowska, coordinator of the „La Strada” Program for the Prevention of Women’s Trafficking in Central and Eastern Europe.